Responding to a call for action for more research in understanding how children acquire prosodic marking of information structure (IS) in free word order languages (Chen & Narasimhan, 2022), this study investigates acquisition of prosodic marking of topic (old), rheme (new) and kontrast (contrast) (Vallduvi & Vilkuna, 1998) in one such and hitherto understudied language – Albanian. Using a question/answer dialogue game, we elicited spontaneous production from five children aged six to seven years old and five adults. Regardless of age, prosody seems to play the primary role and word order a secondary one: both cohorts signal IS constructs mainly by means of different pitch accents within the canonical SVO order. The non-canonical order OVS was used very rarely to signal topic. Children up to the age of seven produce significantly less rise-fall patterns which in adults typically occur in kontrast and rheme conditions. The less transparent mapping between the prosodic form and function of rheme and contrast in Albanian may contribute to the late acquisition of this pitch accent, which suggests that the route and rate of acquiring IS differs from language to language, depending on their phonological and syntactic structure.