According to previous studies [1,6], acoustic and perceptual analysis can be considered useful clinical tools to investigate the speech characteristics of hearing impaired children (HIC). This research aimed at describing the perceptual and acoustic correlates of the speech samples from a HI and user of CI child (within the chronological age range of 5 years and 1 month and 7 years and 1 month), through the vocal quality and voice dynamics descriptions in two different moments. The speech samples were collected during speech therapy sessions. The perceptual analysis of the vocal quality was based on the Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme for Brazilian Portuguese (BP-VPAS - Camargo &Madureira, 2008). The recorded corpus was analyzed through the ExpressionEvaluator script (Barbosa, 2009) ran by Praat software v5.2.10. The measures, which were automatically extracted, comprised the fundamental frequency f0, first f0 derivative, intensity, spectral slope and long-term mean spectrum. The correlations found between the acoustic and perceptual data proved relevant for rehabilitation processes.