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Speech Prosody 2014

Dublin, Ireland
20-23 May 2014

Chairs: Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, and Daniel Hirst
doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2014
ISSN: 2333-2042

Special Session: Social prosody: Affective Social Speech Signals poster session

Labeling expressive speech in L2 Italian: the role of prosody in auto-and external annotation
Marta Maffia, Elisa Pellegrino, Massimo Pettorino

Socio-affective interactions between a companion robot and elderly in a Smart Home context: prosody as the main vector of the “socio-affective glue”
Yuko Sasa, Véronique Aubergé

Towards Automatic Recognition of Attitudes: Prosodic Analysis of Video Blogs
Noor Alhusna Madzlan, Jingguang Han, Francesca Bonin, Nick Campbell

Processing emotional prosody in Mandarin Chinese: A cross-language comparison
Pan Liu, Marc Pell

Acoustic-prosodic and paralinguistic analyses of “uun” and “unun”
Carlos Ishi, Hiroaki Hatano, Miyako Kiso

Speaking style prosodic variation: an 8-hour 9-style corpus study
Jean Philippe Goldman, Tea Prs̈ir, George Christodoulides, Antoine Auchlin

Certainty and uncertainty in Brazilian Portuguese: methodology of spontaneous corpus collection and data analysis
Leandra Antunes, Véronique Aubergé, Yuko Sasa

Between Recognition and Resignation The Prosodic Forms and Communicative Functions of the Czech Confirmation Tag “jasně”
Jan Volín, Lenka Weingartová, Oliver Niebuhr

Automatic Analysis of Emotional Prosody in Mandarin Chinese: Applying the Momel Algorithm
Ting Wang, Hongwei Ding, Qiuwu Ma, Daniel Hirst

Prosodic Profiles of Social Affects in Mandarin Chinese
Yan Lu, Véronique Aubergé, Albert Rilliard

Prosodic cues for emotion: analysis with discrete characterization of intonation
Houwei Cao, Štefan Beňuš, Ruben C. Gur, Ragini Verma, Ani Nenkova

“Young” and “Old” Voice: the prosodic auto-transplantation technique for speaker’s age recognition
Massimo Pettorino, Elisa Pellegrino, Marta Maffia

Expressive prosody vs neutral prosody: From descriptive binary to continuous features
Julien Magnier, Maya Gratier, Anne Lacheret

Challenges for Robust Prosody-based Affect Recognition
Heather Pon-Barry, Arun Reddy Nelakurthi

Prosodic analysis of spoken Japanese attitudes
Dominique Fourer, Takaaki Shochi, Jean Luc Rouas, Jean Julien Aucouturier, Marine Guerry

On the Role of Pitch in Perception of Emotional Speech
Noam Amir, Eitan Globerson

Politeness, culture, and speaking task - paralinguistic prosodic behavior of speakers from Austria and Germany
Sven Grawunder, Marianne Oertel, Cordula Schwarze

Speech rate in the expression of anger: a study with spontaneous speech material
Miguel Oliveira Jr, Ayane Nazarela Santos De Almeida, René Alain Santana De Almeida, Ebson Wilkerson Silva

Audiovisual perception of expressions of Mandarin Chinese social affects by French L2 learners
Yan Lu, Véronique Aubergé, Nicolas Audibert, Albert Rilliard

Coordination between gesture and prosody in two versions of“The Great Gatsby”: 1974, 2013”
Nuzha Moritz, Christophe Damour

Poster session 1: Prominence & Phrasing

Explorations in the prosodic characteristics of synchronous speech, with specific reference to the roles of words and stresses
Fred Cummins, Judit Varga

Effects of native dialect on Mandarin listeners’ use of prosodic cues to English stress
Zhen Qin, Annie Tremblay

The interplay between prosodic phrasing and accentual prominence on articulatory lengthening in Italian
Caterina Petrone, Mariapaola D’Imperio, Susanne Fuchs, Leonardo Lancia

Quasi-neutralization of stress contrasts in Spanish
Francisco Torreira, Miquel Simonet, José Ignacio Hualde

The effects of stress/accent on VOT depend on language (English, Spanish), consonant (/d/, /t/) and linguistic experience (monolinguals, bilinguals)
Miquel Simonet, Joseph Casillas, Yamile Díaz

Incorporating Prosodic Boundaries in Unsupervised Term Discovery
Bogdan Ludusan, Guillaume Gravier, Emmanuel Dupoux

Binary Contrast and Categorical Differentiation Prosodic Characteristics of English Word Stress in Broad and Narrow Focus Positions
Chiu Yu Tseng, Chao Yu Su

Crowdsourcing regional variation in speaking rate through the iOS app ‘Dialäkt Äpp’
Adrian Leemann, Marie José Kolly, Volker Dellwo

Are gesture and prosodic prominences always coordinated? Evidence from perception and production
Núria Esteve-Gibert, Ferran Pons, Laura Bosch, Pilar Prieto

Prominence and Coreference On the Perceptual Relevance of F0 Movement, Duration and Intensity
Stefan Baumann, Anna Roth

An acoustic study of Estonian word stress
Pärtel Lippus, Eva Liina Asu, Mari-Liis Kalvik Mari

Prominence Contrasts in Czech English as a Predictor of Learner’s Proficiency
Lenka Weingartová, Kristýna Poesová, Jan Volín

A sketch of an extrinsic timing model of speech production
Alice Turk, Stefanie Shattuck Hufnagel

SLAM: Automatic Stylization and Labelling of Speech Melody
Nicolas Obin, Julie Beliao, Christophe Veaux, Anne Lacheret

Lexical Stress in Brazilian Portuguese in Contrast with Spanish
Antônio Simões

Prosodic Characteristics of Vocalic Hesitations in Comparison with Overlong Vowels in Estonian
Rena Nemoto

Articulatory Reorganizations of Speech Rhythm due to Speech Rate Increase in Brazilian Portuguese
Alexsandro Meireles, Plínio Barbosa

Prosody in Turkish learners of German as a Foreign Language
Sabine Zerbian, Jane Kühn, Christoph Schroeder, Svenja Schuermann

Synthesizing sports commentaries: One or several emphatic stresses?
Sandrine Brognaux, Thomas Drugman, Marco Saerens

Sources of variation of articulation rate in native and non-native speech: comparisons of French and German
Jürgen Trouvain, Bernd Möbius

Extending AuToBI to prominence detection in European Portuguese
Helena Moniz, Ana Isabel Mata, Julia Hirschberg, Fernando Batista, Andrew Rosenberg, Isabel Trancoso

Prosodic prominence detection in Italian continuous speech using probabilistic graphical models
Fabio Tamburini, Chiara Bertini, Pier Marco Bertinetto

Integrating variability in loudness and duration in a multidimensional model of speech rhythm: Evidence from Indian English and British English
Robert Fuchs

A Durational Study of German Speech Rhythm by Chinese Learners
Hongwei Ding, Rüdiger Hoffmann

Metrical Structure and Jaw Displacement: An Exploration
Donna Erickson, Shigeto Kawahara, J.C. Williams, Jeff Moore, Atsuo Suemitsu, Yoshiho Shibuya

Male and female speech: a study of mean f0, f0 range, phonation type and speech rate in Parisian French and American English speakers
Erwan Pépiot

Perceived Prominence Reflected by Imitations of Words with and without F0 Continuity
Hansjörg Mixdorff, Angelika Hönemann, Oliver Niebuhr, Christoph Draxler

The Structure of Japanese Phrase in Accordance with Speaking Modes
Toshiyuki Sadanobu

Poster session 2: Perception and Intonation

Event-Related Investigation of Initial Accent Processing in French
Marion Aguilera, Radouane El Yagoubi, Robert Espesser, Corine Astésano

Effects of dynamic pitch and relative scaling on the perception of duration and prosodic grouping in American English
Alejna Brugos, Jonathan Barnes

Distinguishing Phrase-Final and Phrase-Medial High Tone on Finally Stressed Words in Turkish
Canan Ipek, Sun-Ah Jun

The interaction of accent and boundary tone in perception of whispered speech
Willemijn Heeren, Vincent van Heuven

Links between Manual Punctuation Marks and Automatically Detected Prosodic Structures
Katarina Bartkova, Denis Jouvet

Perception of Peak Placement in Tashlhiyt Berber
Timo Roettger, Rachid Ridouane, Martine Grice

The meaning of French “implication” contour in conversation
Cristel Portes, Uwe Reyle

Combination of variations of pairwise classifiers applied to multiclass ToBI pitch accent recognition
César González Ferreras, Carlos Vivaracho-Pascual, David Escudero-Mancebo, Valetín Cardeñoso-Payo

Production-comprehension (A)Symmetry: individual differences in the acquisition of prosodic focus-marking
Aoju Chen

Phonetic variations : Impact of the communicative situation
Sandrine Brognaux, Thomas Drugman

Differences between the acoustic typology of autonomy-supportive and controlling sentences
Netta Weinstein, Konstantina Zougkou, Silke Paulmann

Congenital Amusia in linguistic and non-linguistic pitch perception: What behavior and reaction times reveal
Jasmin Pfeifer, Silke Hamann, Mats Exter

Computational annotation-mining of syllable durations in speech varieties
Jue Yu, Dafydd Gibbon, Katarzyna Klessa

Sentence type and prenuclear contours in Brazilian Portuguese: production and perception
Izabel Seara, Juan Manuel Sosa, Vanessa Nunes

Use of suprasegmental information in the perception of Spanish lexical stress by Spanish heritage speakers of different generations
Ji Young Kim

Applying a fuzzy classifier to generate Sp ToBI annotation: preliminar results
David Escudero, Lourdes Aguilar, César González Ferreras, Valentín Cardeñoso, Yurena Gutierrez

The production and perception of L1 and L2 Dutch stress
Marie-Catherine Michaux, Sandrine Brognaux, George Christodoulides

Evaluation of bone-conducted ultrasonic hearing-aid regarding transmission of speaker gender and age information
Takayuki Kagomiya, Seiji Nakagawa

Rhythm and Expression in The Cat in the Hat
Mara Breen, Sarah Weidman, Katharine Guarino

Lengthened Consonants are Interpreted as Word-Initial
Laurence White, Sven Mattys, Linda Stefansdottir, Victoria Jones

Prosody patterns of feedback expressions in Hungarian spontaneous speech
Alexandra Markó, Mária Gósy, Tilda Neuberger

Intonation Patterns of Morelos Nahuatl
Eduardo Patricio Velázquez Patiño

Modelling interlanguage intonation: the case of questions
Sophie Herment, Nicolas Ballier, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Anne Tortel

Avoidance of Stress Clash in Perception of American English
Amelia Kimball, Jennifer Cole

Transitions, pauses and overlaps: Temporal characteristics of turn-taking in Czech
Lenka Weingartová, Eliška Churaňová, Pavel Šturm

Segment Duration in Finnish as Imitated by Russians
Riikka Ullakonoja, Mikko Kuronen, Pertti Hurme, Hannele Dufva

Savosavo word stress: a quantitative analysis
Candide Simard, Claudia Wegener, Albert Lee, Faith Chiu, Connor Youngberg

The Perception of Prosodic Focus in Persian
Mortaza Taheri-Ardali, Hamed Rahmani, Yi Xu

Final Rises in Task-oriented and Conversational Dialogue
Catherine Lai

Spontaneous speech corpus data validates prosodic constraints
Philippe Martin

Hearing the Structure of Math: Use and Limits of Prosodic Disambiguation for Mathematical Stimuli
Michael Phelan

Robust Pitch Estimation using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
Sujan Kumar Roy, Md. Khademul Islam Molla, Keikichi Hirose

The Information StructureProsody Language Interface Revisited
Mónica Domínguez, Mireia Farrús, Alicia Burga, Leo Wanner

Prosody is perceived in the gestures of the speaker
Bahia Guellai, Alan Langus, Marina Nespor

Rising pitch and quoted speech in everyday American English
Joseph Tyler

Fine temporal structure of Finnish sign language
Daniel Aalto, Stina Ojala

Pause insertion prediction using evaluation model of perceptual pause insertion naturalness
Hiroko Muto, Yusuke Ijima, Noboru Miyazaki, Hideyuki Mizuno

Non-native perception of final boundary tones in French interrogatives
Fabian Santiago, Paolo Mairano, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie

Where do questions begin? – phrase-initial boundary tones in Hungarian polar questions
Katalin Mády, Ádám Szalontai

Encoding and decoding confidence information in speech
Xiaoming Jiang, Marc Pell

Aspects of Prosodic Phrasing in Turkish
Jane Kühn

Perceptual evaluation of the effect of mismatched Fujisaki model commands and surface tone in Sesotho
Lehlohonolo Mohasi, Thomas Niesler, Hansjörg Mixdorff

Musical Intervals of Tones in Cantonese English
Suki Yiu

Rhythmic Patterns in Native and Non-Native Mandarin Speech
Wentao Gu, Keikichi Hirose

Poster session 3: Theoretical and Linguistic Prosody

Yuhuan Wu tone and the role of sonorant onsets
Carlos Gussenhoven, Lu Wang

An Investigation of Prosody in Hindi Narrative Speech
Preethi Jyothi, Jennifer Cole, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Vandana Puri

Prosodic focus marking in Bai
Zenghui Liu, Aoju Chen, Hans Van de Velde

Perception of Glottalization in Varying Pitch Contexts in Mandarin Chinese
Maria Paola Bissiri, Margaret Zellers, Hongwei Ding

Cross-linguistic perception of Mandarin intonation
Robert Bo Xu, Peggy Pik Ki Mok

Segmental and prosodic cues to vowel identification: The case of /I i i:/ and /U u u:/ in Saterland Frisian
Wilbert Heeringa, Jörg Peters, Heike Schoormann

An acoustic-perceptual approach to the prosody of Chinese and native speakers of Italian based on yes/no questions
Marilisa Vitale, Philippe Boula de Mareuïl, Anna De Meo

Final Lowering Effect in Questions and Statements of Chinese Mandarin Based on a Largescale Natural Dialogue Corpus Analysis
Wei Lai, Ya Li, Hao Che, Shanfeng Liu, Jianhua Tao, Xiaoying Xu

Intonation Unit Size in Spontaneous Hebrew: Gender and Channel Differences
Vered Silber-Varod, Tal Levy

Acoustic Cues to Tone and Register in Bai: Adult Baseline Data
Allison Benner, John Esling

Word accent and intonation in Baltic
José Hualde, Tomas Riad

Highly Accurate Mandarin Tone Classification In The Absence of Pitch Information
Neville Ryant, Malcolm Slaney, Mark Liberman, Elizabeth Shriberg, Jiahong Yuan

Intended intonation of statements and polar questions in Polish in whispered, semi-whispered and normal speech modes.
Marzena Zygis, Daniel Pape, Luis Jesus, Marek Jaskula

Intonational Aspects of Imperatives in Mexican Spanish
Alina Lausecker, Annika Brehm, Ingo Feldhausen

The acquisition of English lexical stress by Cantonese-English bilingual children at 2;06 and 3;0
Jingwen Li, Peggy P.K. Mok

Disentangling sources of rhythmic variability between dialects
Adrian Leemann, Volker Dellwo, Marie José Kolly, Stephan Schmid

Dialectal variation at the Prosody-Syntax interface: Evidence from Catalan and Spanish interrogatives
Maria Del Mar Vanrell, Olga Fernández Soriano

Prosodic Phrasing of SVO Sentences in French
Mathieu Avanzi, George Christodoulides, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie

Intonational cues to item position in lists: evidence from a serial recall task
Michelina Savino, Andrea Bosco, Martine Grice

Prosodic focus-marking in Chinese four- and eight-year-olds
Anqi Yang, Aoju Chen

Prosodic effects on vowel spectra in three Australian languages
Simone Graetzer, Janet Fletcher, John Hajek

Rhythmic Correspondence between Music and Speech in English Vocal Music
Xi Chen, Peggy Pik Ki Mok

Speech rhythm and vowel raising in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish
Christoph Gabriel, Elena Kireva

The role of stress perception in the assignment of written accent in Spanish
Sandra Schwab, Carla V. Jara Murillo

Parameterization and automatic labeling of Hungarian intonation
Uwe Reichel, Alexandra Markó, Katalin Mády

Local and global convergence in the temporal domain in Polish task-oriented dialogue
Maciej Karpinski, Katarzyna Klessa, Agnieszka Czoska

Speech and song synchronization: A comparative study
Beatriz Raposo de Medeiros, Fred Cummins

Accentual phrases in Slovak and Hungarian
Katalin Mády, Uwe D. Reichel, Štefan Beňuš

Final devoicing of /l/ in Reykjavík Icelandic
Nicole Dehé

The Realiziation of French Rising Intonation by Native Speakers of American English
Scott Lee

Monosyllabic Lexical Pitch Contrasts in Norwegian
Niamh Kelly, Rajka Smiljanic

Taiwanese Tone Recognition Using Fractionalized Curve-fitting of Prosodic Features
Yu Lun Hsieh, Ching-Ting Chuang, Feng Fan Hsieh, Yueh Chin Chang, Wen Lian Hsu

Comparison of Pitch Range and Pitch Variation in Slavic and Germanic Languages
Bistra Andreeva, Grazyna Demenko, Magdalena Wolska, Bernd Möbius, Frank Zimmerer, Jeanin Jügler, Magdalena Oleskowicz-Popiel, Jürgen Trouvain

Silent reading and prosodic structure constraints
Philippe Martin

Rising intonation in spontaneous French: how well can continuation statements and polar questions be distinguished?
Emma Valtersson, Francisco Torreira

Intonation and focus marking in Ulyap Kabardian
Ludger Paschen

Intonation-Based Classification of Language Proficiency Using FDA
Oliver Jokisch, Tristan Langenberg, Gabor Pinter

Tonal allophony in Vietnamese: Evidence from task-oriented dialogues
Kieu Phuong Ha, Martine Grice, Marc Brunelle

Laryngealization or Pitch Accent - the Case of Danish Stød
Nina Grønnum

Intonational Phonology of Cuban Spanish: A Preliminary AM Model
Ann Bailey

Modeling of a rise-fall intonation pattern in the language of young Paris speakers
Roberto Paternostro, Jean Philippe Goldman

Topic and Focus Intonation in Argentinean Porteño
David Le Gac

Analysis of Prosodic and Rhetorical Structural Influence on Pause Duration in Chinese Reading Texts
Liang Zhang, Yuan Jia, Aijun Li

Statistical and temporal properties of prosodic phrasing in French conversational speech
Irina Nesterenko

Intonational Patterns of Telephone Numbers In Brazilian Portuguese
Oyedeji Musiliyu, Miguel Oliveira

Song and speech prosody influences VOT in stuttering and non-stuttering adolescents
Simone Falk, Elena Maslow

Some aspects on individual speaking style features in Hood German
Stefanie Jannedy, Melanie Weirich

Automatic extraction of prosodic patterns Cross linguistic study on laboratory data
Katarina Bartkova, Mathilde Dargnat

Poster presentation 4: Intonation and Speaking Style

Prosodic Cues to Monolingual versus Code-switching Sentences in English and Spanish
Page Piccinini, Marc Garellek

Speakers modulate noise-induced pitch according to intonational context
Simon Ritter, Timo B. Roettger

US English attitudinal prosody performances in L1 and L2 speakers
Albert Rilliard, Donna Erickson, Takaaki Shochi, Joö Moraes

An Automatic Hierarchical Multiple Level Phrase segmentation approach for Spontaneous speech
András Beke, György Szaszák, Viola Váradi

Effects of auditory, visual and gestural input on the perceptual learning of tones
Katelyn Eng, Beverly Hannah, Keith Leung, Yue Wang

The OMe (Octave-Median) scale: a natural scale for speech melody.
Céline De Looze, Daniel Hirst

Automatic Discovery of Simply-Composable Prosodic Element
Nigel Ward

P-centre Position in Natural Two-Syllable Czech Words
Jan Volín, Eliška Churaňová, Pavel Šturm

Correlation between prosody and epistemic bias of negative polar interrogatives in Japanese
Hyun Kyung Hwang, Satoshi Ito

L2 production of Estonian quantity degrees
Einar Meister, Lya Meister

Variation in list intonation in American Jewish English
Rachel Steindel Burdin

Is Syllable Stress Information Robust for ASR in Adverse Conditions?
Bogdan Ludusan, Stefan Ziegler, Guillaume Gravier

Gl ́oRí - the Glottal Research Instrument
John Dalton, John Kane, Irena Yanushevskaya, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Christer Gobl

Speech segmentation is modulated by peak alignment: Evidence from German 10-month-olds
Bettina Braun, Muna Pohl, Katharina Zahner

The Perception of Korean Boundary Tones by First and Second Language Speaker
Hae-Sung Jeon

The distribution of pitch patterns and communicative types in speech-chunks preceding pauses and gaps
Irena Yanushevskaya, John Kane, Céline De Looze, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide

Realization of Narrow Focus in Hong Kong English declarativesa Pilot Study
Holly S.H. Fung, Peggy P.K. Mok

Altering speech synthesis prosody through real time natural gestural control
David Abelman, Robert Clark

Body size projection by voice quality in emotional speechEvidence from Mandarin Chinese
Xiaoluan Liu, Yi Xu

Scaling of Final Rises in German Questions and Statements
Jan Michalsky

Processing Prosodic Boundaries in Natural and Filtered Speech
Grace Kuo

Constant Tonal Alignment in Swedish Word Accent II
Malin Svensson Lundmark

A simplified version of the OpS algorithm for pitch stylization
Antonio Origlia, Francesco Cutugno

Interpersonal factors affecting tones of question-type utterances in Japanese
Hiroaki Hatano, Carlos Ishi, Miyako Kiso

Prosodic correlates of perceived quality and fluency in simultaneous interpreting
George Christodoulides, Cédric Lenglet

Rhythm analysis in Arabic L2 speech
Ghania Droua-Hamdani, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Yousef A. Alotaibi

Rating Naturalness in Speech Synthesis: The Effect of Style and Expectation
Rasmus Dall, Junichi Yamagishi, Simon King

A Simplified Method of Learning Underlying Articulatory Pitch Target
Hao Liu, Yi Xu

The role of prosody in the encoding of evidentiality
Maria Del Mar Vanrell, Meghan E. Armstrong, Pilar Prieto

Prosody in Swiss French Accents: Investigation using Analysis by Synthesis
Pierre-Edouard Honnet, Alexandros Lazaridis, Jean-Philippe Goldman, Philip N. Garner

Hierarchical stress generation with Fujisaki model in expressive speech synthesis
Ya Li, Jianhua Tao, Keikichi Hirose, Wei Lai, Xiaoying Xu

Too cautious to vary more? A comparison of pitch variation in native and non-native productions of French and German speakers.
Frank Zimmerer, Jeanin Jügler, Bistra Andreeva, Bernd Möbius, Jürgen Trouvain

Selection of Training Data for HMM-based Speech Synthesis from Prosodic Features - Use of Generation Process Model of Fundamental Frequency Contours
Tomoyuki Mizukami, Hiroya Hashimoto, Keikichi Hirose, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu

SVR vs MLP for Phone Duration Modelling in HMM-based Speech Synthesis
Alexandros Lazaridis, Pierre-Edouard Honnet, Philip N. Garner

Variation in Prosodic Boundary Strength: a study on dislocated XPs in French
Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Ingo Feldhausen

Tone Modeling Using Stress Information for HMM-Based Thai Speech Synthesis
Decha Moungsri, Tomoki Koriyama, Takashi Nose, Takao Kobayashi

Understanding the significance of different components of mimicry speech
D. Gomathi, P. Gangamohan, B. Yegnanarayana

The Cartoon Task Exploring Auditory-Visual Prosody in Dialogs
Hansjörg Mixdorff, Angelika Hönemann, Jeesun Kim, Chris Davis, Grégory Zelic

A preliminary study on the prosody of broadcast news in Hong Kong Cantonese
Peggy P.K. Mok, Holly S.H. Fung, Jingwen Li

Prosodic chunking algorithm for dictation with the use of speech synthesis
Sébastien Le Maguer, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Nelly Barbot, Mathieu Avanzi, Olivier Rosec, Damien Lolive

Within- and Between-Speaker Variability of Parameters Expressing Short-Term Voice Quality
Jitka Vaňková, Radek Skarnitzl

Do Korean L2 learners have a “foreign accent” when they speak French? Production and perception experiments on rhythm and intonation
Bénédicte Grandon, Hiyon Yoo

Prosodic processing in the first year of life: an ERP study
Linda Garami, Anett Ragó, Ferenc Honbolygó, Valéria Csépe

The Inadequacy of Rhythm Metrics to Quantify L2 Suprasegmental Characteristics
Lei He

Pitch range declination and reset in turn-taking organisation
Céline De Looze, Irena Yanushevskaya, John Kane, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide

Towards Automatic Extraction of Prosodic Patterns for Speech Synthesis
Mónica Domínguez, Mireia Farrús, Alicia Burga, Leo Wanner

Automatic Detection of Filled Pauses and Lengthenings in the Spontaneous Russian Speech
Vasilisa Verkhodanova, Vladimir Shapranov

Prosodic analysis of the speech of a child with cochlear implant
Aline Pessoa-Almeida, Alexsandro Meireles, Sandra Madureira, Zuleica Camargo

Structural and Prosodic Correlates of Prominence in Free Word Order Language Discourse
Tatiana Luchkina, Jennifer Cole

Keynote speech 4

Anne Cutler

Search papers

Keynote speech 1

Oral presentations 1

Special Session: Social prosody: Affective Social Speech Signals poster session

Poster session 1: Prominence & Phrasing

Keynote speech 2

Oral presentations 2

Oral session 1: Speech Rhythm and Timing

Special session 2: Slavic Prosody

Poster session 2: Perception and Intonation

Keynote speech 3

Oral session 3

Poster session 3: Theoretical and Linguistic Prosody

Oral session 4: Perception and Production

Poster presentation 4: Intonation and Speaking Style

Oral session 4: Intonation - general

Keynote speech 4

Oral session 5