ISCA Archive SpeechProsody 2012
ISCA Archive SpeechProsody 2012

Prosodic typology revisited: adding macro-rhythm

Sun-Ah Jun

This paper introduces a new model of prosodic typology by adding a parameter called macro-rhythm to the two known prosodic parameters: type of prominence marking (head, edge, or head/edge) and word prosody (stress, tone, or lexical pitch accent). Macro-rhythm is a tonal rhythm (a sequence of H/L alternation) formed within an Intonation Phrase. It captures similarities and differences across languages in terms of pitch contours whether the contour is composed of a head tone (pitch accent, lexical tone), an edge tone (phrasal/boundary tone), or both. Various criteria defining the degree of macrorhythm are suggested.

Index Terms: prosodic typology, macro-rhythm, headprominence, head/edge-prominence, edge-prominence