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Speech Prosody 2002

Aix-en-Provence, France
11-13 April 2002
doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2002
ISSN: 2333-2042

Contributed Papers

Text-to-tune alignment in speech and song
Karen M. Arnold, Peter W. Jusczyk

Functions of the French initial accent: a preliminary study
Corine Astésano, Ellen Gurman Bard, Alice Turk

Downtrends in different types of question in Estonian
Eva Liina Asu

Assigning prosodic structure for speech synthesis: a rule-based approach
Michaela Atterer

A Gestalt morphology of prosody directed by functions: the example of a step by step model developed at ICP
Véronique Aubergé

Aspects of prehead and onset: the onset onglide phenomenon
Margit Aufterbeck

Contribution of prosody to the segmentation and storage of "words" in the acquisition of a new mini-language
Odile Bagou, Cécile Fougeron, Uli H. Frauenfelder

Explaining cross-linguistic rhythmic variability via a coupled-oscillator model of rhythm production
Plinio A. Barbosa

A duration model for Czech text-to-speech synthesis
Robert Batúsek

Voice diversity in conversation: a case study
Roxane Bertrand, R. Espesser

The IP as the domain of syllabification
Bruce Birch

‘stress accent² without phonetic stress: accent type and distribution in Bininj Gun-wok
Judith Bishop

Crosslinguistic segmental durations and prosodic typology
Antonis Botinis, Robert Bannert, Marios Fourakis, Stamatia Pagoni-Tetlow

Generation of emotions by a morphing technique in English, French and Spanish
Philippe Boula de Mareüil, Philippe Célérier, Jacques Toen

The influence of prosodic factors on the duration of words in British English
Caroline Bouzon, Daniel Hirst

Perlocutory values and functions of melisms in spontaneous dialogue
Geneviève Caelen-Haumont

A large-scale multilingual study of silent pause duration
Estelle Campione, Jean Véronis

Syntactic and lexical constraint in prosodic segmentation and grouping
Jianfen Cao, Weibin Zhu

Statistical modelling of stress groups in Spanish
V. Cardenoso-Payo, D. Escudero-Mancebo

Accentual lengthening of monosyllabic-constituents in Beijing Mandarin
Yiya Chen

Language-specific uses of the effort code
Aoju Chen, Carlos Gussenhoven, Toni Rietveld

Duration models and the perceptual evaluation of spoken Korean
Hyunsong Chung

Realisations of nuclear pitch accents in Swabian dialect and Parkinson²s dysarthria: a preliminary report
Kathrin Claßen

Un projet d’atlas multimédia prosodique de l’espace roman
Michel Contini, Jean-Pierre Lai, Antonio Romano, Stefania Roullet, Lurdes de Castro Moutinho, Rosa Lídia Coimbra, Urbana Pereira Bendiha, Suzana Secca Ruivo

APA: towards an automatic tool for prosodic analysis
Francesco Cutugno, L. D’Anna, M. Petrillo, E. Zovato

Does intonational meaning come from tones or tunes? evidence against a compositional approach
Audra Dainora

The prosody of post-focus sequences in French
Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, A. Rialland, Jenny Doetjes, J. M. Marandin

A prosodic module for self-learning activities
Rodolfo Delmonte

The prosody of left detached constituents in French
Jenny Doetjes, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Petra Sleeman

Rythme - le "barrage" pour la perception des noms propres
Marie Dohalská-Zichová

Polish: prosodic aspects of "czy" questions
P. Durand, A. Durand-Deska, Ryszard Gubrynowicz, B. Marek

Prosodic parameters of perceived emotions in vocal server voices
T. Ehrette, N. Chateau, Christophe d’Alessandro, V. Maffiolo

Prosody and meaning in interaction: the case of the Spanish discourse functional unit entonces 'then'
Gorka Elordieta, Magdalena Romera

Soft input feature selection within neural prosody generation
Caglayan Erdem, Hans Georg Zimmermann

Duration control by asymmetric causal retro-causal neural networks
Caglayan Erdem, Hans Georg Zimmermann

Perception of syllable prominence by listeners with and without competence in the tested language
Anders Eriksson, Esther Grabe, Hartmut Traunmüller

Tonal template for background information: the scaling of pitch in utterance-medial parentheticals in French
Zsuzsanna Fagyal

A new approach to intonation analysis and synthesis of Swedish
Gunnar Fant, Anita Kruckenberg, Kjell Gustafson, Johan Liljencrants

Didactic prosody and notetaking in L1 and L2
Martine Faraco, Tsuyoshi Kida, Marie-Laure Barbier, Annie Piolat

Dialog act classification from prosodic features using support vector machines
Raul Fernandez, Rosalind W. Picard

Left-edge tonal events in Kayardild (australian) - a typological perspective
Janet Fletcher, Nicholas Evans, Erich Round

A dialogue act analysis of rises in australian English map task dialogues
Janet Fletcher, Roger Wales, Lesley Stirling, Ilana Mushin

A preliminary study of the intonational phrase, nuclear melody and pauses in Polish semi-spontaneous narration
Katarzyna Francusik, Maciei Karpinkski, Janusz Klesta

Norwegian intonation and the resolution of concessive anaphora
Thorstein Fretheim, Wim A. van Dommelen

Pitch contour guides spoken word recognition
Claudia K. Friedrich, Sonja A. Kotz, Angela D. Friederici, Kai Alter

The prosody of focus: a case-study with cross-linguistic implications
Sónia Frota

Language discrimination and rhythm classes: evidence from Portuguese
Sónia Frota, Marina Vigário, Fernando Martins

Sonority as a basis for rhythmic class discrimination
Antonio Galves, Jesus Garcia, Denise Duarte, Charlotte Galves

Vocale - a semi-automatic annotation tool for prosodic research
Jesus Garcia, Ulrike Gut, Antonio Galves

Speech rhythm variation in Arabic dialects
Salem Ghazali, Rym Hamdi, Melissa Barkat

Prosodic information in an integrated lexicon
Dafydd Gibbon

Tonal alignment in two pisa Italian peak accents
Barbara Gili Fivela

Intonational variation in the british isles
Esther Grabe, Brechtje Post

Multimodal feedback cues in human-machine interactions
Björn Granström, David House, Marc Swerts

The relation between stress accent and pronunciation variation in spontaneous american English discourse
Steven Greenberg, Hannah Carvey, Leah Hitchcock

Stød and length: acoustic and cognitive reality?
Nina Grønnum, Hans Basbøll

A study of speech prosody of subjects with profound hearing loss recorded at child age and 20 years later
Ryszard Gubrynowicz

Silence and discourse context in read speech and dialogues in Swedish
Sofia Gustafson-Capková, Beáta Megyesi

The prosody of Nigerian English
Ulrike Gut, Jan-Torsten Milde

Articulation rate variation in south Swedish phrases
Petra Hansson

The prosody of questions in natural discourse
Nancy Hedberg, Juan M. Sosa

Emphasis in English: a perceptual study based on modified synthetic speech
Sophie Herment-Dujardin, Daniel Hirst

Subjective and objective evaluation of the prosody of English spoken by French speakers: the contribution of computer assisted learning
Nadine Herry, Daniel Hirst

Metrical patterns and melodicity in English contrasted with French
Anthony Hind

Data-driven synthesis of fundamental frequency contours for TTS systems based on a generation process model
Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu, Masaya Eto

N-gram language modeling of Japanese using prosodic boundaries
Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu, Makoto Terao

Learning the hidden structure of intonation: implementing various functions of prosody
B. Holm, Gérard Bailly

A prosodic analysis of wh-words in standard Chinese
Fang Hu

Using perceptually-related f0- and power-based parameters to identify accent types of accentual phrases
Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu

Ambiguity in broad focus and narrow focus interpretation in Japanese
Kiwako Ito

Japanese politeness and suprasegmentals - a study based on natural speech materials
Mika Ito

Prosody and clause boundaries in Korean
Soyoung Kang, Shari Speer

The prosody of authentic emotions
Roland Kehrein

Prosody - a laughing matter? a crosscultural comparison of a humour phenomenon (rakugo) in france, Tokyo, and Osaka
Tsuyoshi Kida

Control of prosodic focuses for reply speech generation in a spoken dialogue system of information retrieval on academic documents
Shinya Kiriyama, Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu

Periodicity of Japanese accent in continuous speech
Shigeyoshi Kitazawa, Tatsuya Kitamura, Kazuya Mochizuki, Toshihiko Itoh

The effect of pitch Span on intonational plateaux
Rachael-Anne Knight

Pitch, eyebrows and the perception of focus
Emiel Krahmer, Zsófia Ruttkay, Marc Swerts, Wieger Wesselink

The intonational marking of topical salience in spontaneous speech evidence from spoken French
Anne Lacheret-Dujour

The prosody of bisyllabic and polysyllabic words in Hong Kong Cantonese
Wai-Sum Lee, Fangxin Chen, K. K. Luke, Liqin Shen

Tonal alternations and prosodic structure in Somali
David Le Gac

Prosodic erosion as a diagnostic of grammaticalisation in isolating languages: tone and stress in Sinitic
Lisa Lim, Umberto Ansaldo

Structures intonatives en berb&# 8;re: l²&# 9;nonc&# 9; pr&# 9;dicatif
Naïma Louali, Amina Mettouchi

Focus effects on Cantonese tones: an acoustic study
Vicky C. H. Man

Discourse marking in French: C accents and discourse moves
J. M. Marandin, Claire Beyssade, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, A. Rialland

L'intonation des énonc&# 9;s interrogatifs ouverts dans l'Italien toscan
Giovanna Marotta

Mutual knowledge and prosody in young children
Karine Martel

Regional variations of sentence intonation in French - the continuation contour in Parisian French
Philippe Martin

Prosody production and perception: converging evidence from fMRI studies
Jörg Mayer, Dirk Wildgruber, Axel Riecker, Grzegorz Dogil, Hermann Ackermann, Wolfgang Grodd

Synonymie et homonymie attitudinale en tch&# 8;que et en fran&# 7;ais
Jana Mejvaldová, Petr Horák

Contrastive emphasis: comparison of pitch accents with syllable magnitudes
C. Menezes, Donna Erickson, Osamu Fujimura

Synthesizing elaborate intonation contours in text-to-speech for French
Piet Mertens

A prosodic corpus of non-native speech
Jan-Torsten Milde, Ulrike Gut

Performance improvement in estimating subjective agedness with prosodic features
Nobuaki Minematsu, Mariko Sekiguchi, Keikichi Hirose

The prosody of modern Hebrew - a quantitative study
Hansjörg Mixdorff, Noam Ami

The manifestation of linguistic information in prosodic features of Finnish
Hansjörg Mixdorff, Martti Vainio, Stefan Werner, Juhani Järvikivi

Accentual phrasing in Japanese: the significance of underlying accents
Tadao Miyamoto, Crystal Johnson

Phonemic and postural effects on the production of prosody
Bernd Möbius, Grzegorz Dogil

Assigning phrase breaks using CARTs for Basque TTS
Eva Navas, Inmaculada Hernáez, Nerea Ezeiza

French listeners counting syllables in read French and Russian: implications for the cognitive realty of syllable
Irina Nesterenko

A game-theoretical approach to the meaning of intonation in rising declaratives and negative polar questions
Marie Nilsenová

Pausing strategies as means of information processing in spontaneous narratives
Miguel Oliveira

The prosodic realization of organizational features of texts
Hanny den Ouden, Leo Noordman, Jacques Terken

Novel useful features and algorithms for the recognition of emotions in human speech
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

The synthesis of cartoon emotional speech
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

The location of f0 offset targets for taiwanese long tones
Ho-Hsien Pan

Incidental clauses in spoken Catalan: prosodic characteristics and pragmatic function
Marta Payà Canals

Can automatically extracted rhythmic units discriminate among languages?
François Pellegrino, Jean-Hugues Chauchat, Ricco Rakotomalala, Jérôme Farinas

Tonal effects on rhythm in West Middle German
Jörg Peters

Dysprosody in three patients with vascular cerebral damage
Lourdes Pietrosemoli, Elsa Mora

Expression et reconnaissance de onze attitudes assertives et interrogatives en persan standard
Olivier Piot, Mehdi Lyaghat

Prosody and discourse: a multi-linear analysis
Cristel Portes, Emmanuelle Rami, C. Auran, Albert Di Cristo

French tonal structures
Brechtje Post

Coarticulation and stability effects in tonal clash contexts in Catalan
Pilar Prieto

Prosodic word: the lowest constituent in the Mandarin prosody processing
Yao Qian, Wuyun Pan

What is focused in c'est XP qui/que cleft sentences in French?
A. Rialland, Jenny Doetjes, G. Rebuschi

Hemispheric lateralization effects of rhythm implementation during syllable repetitions: a fMRI study
Axel Riecker, Dirk Wildgruber, Grzerorz Dogil, Jörg Mayer, Hermann Ackermann, Wolfgang Grodd

The temporal alignment of l*h accents
Toni Rietveld, Joop Kerkhoff

Towards a linguistic validation of a prosodic generation model
Albert Rilliard, Véronique Aubergé

Characteristics of the accentual phrase in French: an acoustic, articulatory and perceptual study
Guillaume Rolland, Hélène Loevenbruck

A method for automatic extraction of fujisaki-model parameters
Salvo Rossi Pierluigi, Francesco Palmieri, Francesco Cutugno

The identification of sad prosodies differentiates between high and low repressive women
Kerstin Sander, Patricia Roth, Henning Scheich

Prosody and scope in German inverse linking constructions
Uli Sauerland, Oliver Bott

On the development of a quantity typology for Swedish dialects
Felix Schaeffler, Pär Wretling, Eva Strangert

Sex differentiates the STROOP-effect in emotional speech: ERP evidence
Annett Schirmer, Sonja A. Kotz

The music of speech: electrophysiological approach
D. Schön, C. Magne, M. Schrooten, M. Besson

Prosody generation in the Smartkom project
Antje Schweitzer, Norbert Braunschweiler, Edmilson Morais

Contrastive FOCUS vs. presentational focus: prosodic evidence from right node raising in English
Elisabeth Selkirk

Intégration ou autonomisation prosodique des connecteurs
Anne Catherine Simon, Anne Grobet

On the phonological status of the HL*h vs. h*LH timing-related tonal opposition in Dutch
Natalia Smirnova

Conditions on post-FOCUS dephrasing in Tokyo Japanese
Mariko Sugahara

The recognition of geminates in ambiguous contexts in Polish
Ela Thurgood

Speaker-ethnicity: attributions based on the use of prosodic cues
Richard Todd

The prosodic status of breaks in running speech: examination and evaluation
Chiu-yu Tseng

A comparative study of intonation in three standard varieties of German
Christiane Ulbrich

Discourse constraints on the interpretation of nuclear-accented pronouns
Jennifer J. Venditti, Matthew Stone, Preetham Nanda, Paul Tepper

Effects of pharmacological versus electrophysiological treatments on Parkinsonian dysprosody
François Viallet, Bernard Teston, Ludovic Jankowski, Alain Purson, Jean Claude Peragut, Jean Regis, Tatiana Witjas

A preliminary analysis of yes/no questions in Glasgow English
Francisco Vizcaino Ortega

Stress perception and production in German stress clash environments
Petra Wagner, Eva Fischenbeck

Fillers as indicators of discourse segment boundaries in Japanese monologues
Michiko Watanabe

The realization of early and late rises in French intonation: a production study
Pauline Welby

The "magdeburger prosodie-korpus"
Beate Wendt, Henning Scheich

Quantity and preaspiration in Northern Swedish dialects
Pär Wretling, Eva Strangert, Felix Schaeffler

Acoustic correlates of hierarchical prosodic boundary in Mandarin
Yufang Yang, Bei Wang

Comparison of declarative and interrogative intonation in Chinese
Jiahong Yuan, Chilin Shih, Greg P. Kochanski

Tonal invariance and downtrend in Cantonese
Ivan Yuen

Rules based model for automatic synthesis of f0 variation for declarative Arabic sentences
A. Zaki, A. Rajouani, Z. Luxey, M. Najim

The effect of speech rate on the temporal organization of syllable production in Cantonese
Eric Zee

Revisiting the status of speech rhythm
Brigitte Zellner Keller

Intonation pattern and duration differences in imitated speech
Elisabeth Zetterholm

Acquisition of prosody in Russian
Natalia N. Zharkova

Effect of prosodic structure on segmental variants
Yiqing Zu, Hong Zheng

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