ISCA Archive SpeechProsody 2002
ISCA Archive SpeechProsody 2002

Vocale - a semi-automatic annotation tool for prosodic research

Jesus Garcia, Ulrike Gut, Antonio Galves

Large annotated speech corpora are a critical component of research in prosody. The classification of languages according to their speech rhythm, for example, requires a great number of annotated sentences by different speakers in different languages. We have developed Vocale, a tool for the semiautomatic annotation of vocalic and consonantal parts of speech because in recent models these units have been identified as reliable acoustic correlates of speech rhythm. Vocale is based on relative entropy and uses various additional classifiers such as energy and length for the annotation of vowels and consonants. It runs using Praat speech analysis facilities and gives a Praat label file as an output. Vocale is open source software and is available to the scientific community under