Subjective and objective intelligibility measures
Herman J. M. Steeneken
Human capabilities for speech processing in noise
Phillip Dermody
DSP techniques for speech enhancement
Dirk Van Compernolle
Toward robust speech recognition under adverse conditions
Sadaoki Furui
The variability of speech produced in noise
Jean-Claude Junqua
Comprehension of synthetic speech in good and in adverse conditions
Cristina Delogu, S. Conte, A. Paoloni, C. Sementina
Intelligibility of Italian text-to-speech synthesizers in adverse conditions
Cristina Delogu, M. Falcone, A. Paoloni, P. Ridolfi, K. Vagges
Speech intelligibility in protective masks
Harry Hollien
Modeling speech intelligibility under reverberation and noise: room and diffuser influences
A. L. Randrianarison, C. Legros
Intelligibility improvement of noisy speech for people with cochlear implants
Hans-Günter Hirsch
Comparison of assessment methods for automatic speech recognition in noise conditions
Herman J. M. Steeneken, Andrew Varga
Standardised assessment of speech recognisers through telephone grade speech corpora
A. Riccio, F. Ceglie
A tool for hyperbaric speech improvement: the PSH/DISPE CDROM.
Alain Marchal, C. Meunier, C. Cavé
Robust signal preprocessing for word recognition in noisy environment
H. Eckhardt, M. Trompf, G. Angleys, Heidi Hackbarth
Cepstral normalization for robust speech recognition
Alejandro Acero, Richard M. Stern
A comparative study of the influence of parameter processing on two different approaches for speech recognition in adverse environment
A. Brancaccio, F. Ceglie, G. D'Acunzo, C. Pelaez, A. Riccio, F. Rigosi
Robust features for applications in speech and speaker recognition
B. Yegnanarayana, A. S. Madhukumar, V. R. Ramachandran
A frequency-weighted euclidean distance and its application to HMM-based recognition of noisy speech
Hiroshi Matsumoto
AR modelling of the speech autocorrelation to improve noisy speech recognition
J. Hernando, Climent Nadeu
A statistical analysis of hyperbaric speech signal classification features
Y. Le Calvé, J. Crestel, M. Guitton
RASTA extensions: robustness to additive and convolutional noise
Nelson Morgan, Hynek Hermansky
A comparison of feature performance under degraded speech in speaker recognition
J. P. Openshaw, Z. P. Sun, J. S. Mason
Cepstral mean compensation for HMM recognition in noise
S. J. Young
Speech enhancement using a statistically derived filter mapping
Yan Ming Cheng, Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Peter Kabal
Evaluation of linear and non-linear spectral subtraction methods for enhancing noisy speech
A. Le Floc'h, R. Salami, B. Mouy, J-P. Adoul
Synthesis on noise cancelling methods for mobile radio applications
G. Faucon, R. Le Bouquin
A noise reduction approach for non-stationary additive interference
Luc Gagnon
Speech enhancement by adaptive Wiener filtering based on cumulant AR modelling
E. Masgrau, J. Salavedra, Asunción Moreno, A. Ardanuy
Separation of concurrent speech signals: a cocktail-party-processor for speech enhancement
Markus Bodden, Jens Blauert
Speech enhancement based conceptually on auditory processing
E. Toner, D. R. Campbell
Evaluation of speech enhancement strategies for normal and hearing-impaired listeners
Donald G. Jamieson, Robert L. Brennan
Multiple binaural time delay estimation
K. Langley, D. J. Fleet
A pitch determination algorithm for very noisy telephone speech
J. Rouat, Y. C. Liu
Noisy tape recordings in forensics
Harry Hollien
Noise adaptation algorithms for robust speech recognition
H. M. Cung, Y. Normandin
A robust discrimination method based on selectively trained neural networks
Yolande Anglade, Dominique Fohr, Jean-Claude Junqua
Single vs. multiple sink models for isolated and connected word recognition
Carlos J. Teixeira, Isabel M. Trancoso, Antonio Serralheiro
Improving the robustness of automatic speech recognizers using state duration information
N. Nicol, Stephan Euler, M. Falkhausen, Herbert Reininger, Dietrich Wolf, J. Zinke
Hidden Markov model decomposition recognition of speech in noise: a comprehensive experimental study
M. Kadirkamanathan
Recognition of degraded speech with an IMELDA acoustic representation: a helicopter fly-by-voice project
Dariusz A. Zwierzynski, Claude Lefèbvre
Integrating speech recognition into a helicopter
D. R. Starks, M. J. Morgan
Improving recognition rate in adverse conditions by detection and noise suppression
Dominique Pastor, Christian Gulli
Improvements in speech recognition for voice dialing in the car environment
D. Geller, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, Hermann Ney
A speech controlled user interface for car telephones
Stefan Dobler, Peter Meyer, Hans-Wilhelm Rühl
Adapting a HMM speech recognizer to noisy environments
C. Mokbel, L. Barber, Gérard Chollet
Isolated word recognition in noisy environments
J. Ortega, J. Alvarez, E. López, L. Hernández
Assessing recognisers for Italian digits recognition for added noise signals
M. Falcone, S. Daino, S. Ragazzini, F. Ceglie
Acoustical changes to speech in noisy and echoey environments
P. Howell, K. Young, S. Sackin
On the influence of noise on speech production and perception
D. Rostolland
A multivariate approach for the analysis of speech under cognitive stress
Bernard Harmegnies, A. Landercy
A parameter for the evaluation of emotional trouble: the cumulative distribution of amplitude in the speech spectrum
B. Gramatica, R. Ruiz, C. Legros
Disruption of speech amplitude cues by echo during turn-taking in telephone dialogue
P. Howell, K. Young
The hyperbar voice as a musical sound
D. Arfib, R. Kronland-Martinet
Characterization of vocal tract impulse responses for articulatory configurations of vowels in hyperbaric conditions
M. Guitton, J. Crestel
Noise reduction and hyperbaric speech improvement through an analysis/synthesis method
Denis Masse, Alain Marchal
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