ISCA Archive Odyssey 2001
ISCA Archive Odyssey 2001

Listen to the Customers: Implementation of a speaker verification system in the bank industry

Josef Confino

The First Direct Bank of Israel (FDBI) was founded in 1995 as the first direct banking service in Israel. FDBI is part of the Leumi Bank Group - the largest Israeli bank, and is characterized by advanced technology innovation . This presentation will describe the experience in implementing free speech speaker verification system in the FDBI.

During the pilot phase the main parameter that was tested was performance of the system while testing it with real FDBI customers. The system was tested with bank customers speaking from all types of channels, such as fixed-line phones, cellular phones, hands-free car phones etc. The results achieved by the system proved to the FDBI that the system will improve the security of the current access procedure.

The free speech speaker verification system is replacing today the verification questions that the FDBI used before. The main benefits from the system are: 1. Improving the FDBI's customer's satisfaction by creating a friendlier access procedure. 2. Saving costs to the FDBI by reducing the duration of the call. 3. Increasing the level of security by using voice signature technology.