Beyond the Equal Error Rate - About the inter-relationship between algorithm and application
Renana Peres
Seamless navigation in audio files
Christian J. Wellekens
Theory, characterization and testing of general biometric technologies
James L. Wayman
Speaker Recognition Evaluation -- a challenge and an opportunity
George Doddington
Speaker recognition in forensic environment
Hirotaka Nakasone
Patent: a public disclosure of intellectual property
Regis Quelavoine
Listen to the Customers: Implementation of a speaker verification system in the bank industry
Josef Confino
Odyssey text independent evaluation data
Mark A. Przybocki, Alvin F. Martin
Formant and F0 features for speaker recognition
Eric G. Hansen, Raymond E. Slyh, Timothy R. Anderson
Password-based voice verification using SpeakerKey
A. Higgins, L. Bahler
Speech detection for text-dependent speaker verification
Orith Toledo-Ronen
The NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations: 1996-2001
Alvin F. Martin, Mark A. Przybocki
Using second order statistics for text independent speaker verification
Ran D. Zilca
Text-independent speaker verification using support vector machines
Jamal Kharroubi, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz, Gérard (2001) Chollet
Phonetic, idiolectal and acoustic speaker recognition
Walter D. Andrews, Mary A. Kohler, Joseph P. Campbell, John J. Godfrey
Overview of the 2000-2001 ELISA Consortium research activities
Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau, Guillaume Gravier, Raphael Blouet
A generalised normalisation method for speaker verification
Dat Tran, Michael Wagner
Bayesian bpproach based decision in speaker verification
Corinne Fredouille, Jean-Francois Bonastre, Teva Merlin
Gaussian selection applied to text-independent speaker verification
Roland Auckenthaler, John S. Mason
Evaluating the effects of communication systems on speaker recognizability by human listeners: The Diagnostic Speaker Recognizability Test (DSRT)
William D. Voiers
Speaker verification under additive noise conditions with non-stationary SNR using parallel model combination (PMC)
Lit Ping Wong, Martin J. Russell
Robust speaker recognition using microphone arrays
Iain A. McCowan, Jason Pelecanos, Sridha Sridharan
Integration and imputation methods for unreliable feature compensation in GMM based speaker verification
Andrzej Drygajlo, Mounir El-Maliki
Speaker recognition from coded speech in matched and mismatched conditions
Robert B. Dunn, Thomas F. Quatieri, Douglas A. Reynolds, Joseph P. Campbell
Speaker recognition and the ETSI Standard Distributed Speech Recognition Front-End
Charles C. Broun, William M. Campbell, David Pearce, Holly Kelleher
Speaker verification over cellular networks
Ran Gazit, Yaakov Metzger, Orith Toledo-Ronen
A VQ speaker identification system in car environment for personalized infotainment
Javier Rodriguez Saeta, Christian Koechling, Javier Hernando
On the application of the Bayesian approach in real forensic conditions with GMM-based systems
Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Javier Ortega-Garcia, J.J. Lucena-Molina
Forensic automatic speaker recognition
Hirotaka Nakasone, Steven D. Beck
Forensic speaker recognition based on a Bayesian framework and Gaussian mixture modelling (GMM)
Didier Meuwly, Andrzej Drygajlo
Noise robustness in forensic speaker verification
Yosef A. Solewicz
Blind segmentation of a multi-speaker conversation using two different sets of features
Yaakov Metzger
Speaker tracking in a broadcast news corpus
Mauro Cettolo
Resolution limitation in speakers clustering and segmentation problems
Itshak Lapidot, Hugo Guterman
E-HMM approach for learning and adapting sound models for speaker indexing
Sylvain Meignier, Jean-Francois Bonastre, Stephane Igounet
Text-prompted speaker recognition with polynomial classifiers
William M. Campbell, Charles C. Broun
On the model size selection for speaker identification
Marcos Faundez-Zanuy
Speaker recognition and the acoustic speech space
Robert Stapert, John S. Mason
Speaker verification based on broad phonetic categories
Sachin S. Kajarekar, Hynek Hermansky
Combining pitch and MFCC for speaker identification systems
Hassan Ezzaidi, Jean Rouat, Douglas O'Shaughnessy
Feature warping for robust speaker verification
Jason Pelecanos, Sridha Sridharan
Frequency analysis of speaker identification
Özgür Devrim Orman, Levent M. Arslan
A tree-based approach for score computation in speaker verification
Raphael Blouet, Frédéric Bimbot
Using lip features for multimodal speaker verification
Xiaozheng Zhang, Charles C. Broun
Using voice to generate cryptographic keys
Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter, Qi Li, Susanne Wetzel
Unsupervised evaluation of speaker verification systems
Niko Brümmer, Jason Pelecanos
Integrating speaker and speech recognizers: Automatic identity claim capture for speaker verification
Larry P. Heck, Dominique Genoud
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