Towards the simulation of pathological voice qualities
S. Ben Elhadj Fraj, Francis Grenez, Jean Schoentgen
A mathematical model for accurate measurement of jitter
Miltiadis Vasilakis, Yannis Stylianou
Towards a temporal high-resolution formant analysis
Wolfgang Wokurek
Improvement of source-tract decomposition of speech using analogy with LF model for glottal source and tube model for vocal tract
T. Dubuisson, Thierry Dutoit
Methodology of fundamental frequency extraction and analysis using microphone speech signal and vocal tract model
Zygmunt Ciota
A fluid-structure interaction model of vocal fold oscillation
A. Gömmel, C. Butenweg, Malte Kob
Estimation of a physical model of the vocal folds via dynamic programming techniques
E. Marchetto, Federico Avanzini, Carlo Drioli
Physical and perceptual correlates of voice using acoustic analysis
Peter J. Murphy
The effect of visible speech on perceptual rating of pathological voices, and on correlation between perception and acoustics
Philippe H. Dejonckere, J. W. M. A. F. Martens, H. Versnel, M. B. J. Moerman
Automatic detection of voice impairments from text-dependent running speech using a discriminative approach
Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente, Rubén Fraile, Nicolás Sáenz-Lechón, Víctor Osma-Ruiz, Pedro Gómez-Vilda
Early detection of voice diseases via a web-based system
F. Amato, Mario Cannataro, C. Cosentino, A. Garozzo, N. Lombardo, Claudia Manfredi, F. Montefusco, G. Tradigo, Pierangelo Veltri
Visualization of normal and pathological speech data
J. C. Goddard, F. M. Martínez, G. Schlotthauer, M. E. Torres, H. L. Rufiner
A clinical comparison between MDVP and Praat softwares: is there a difference?
O. Amir, M. Wolf, N. Amir
Detecting pathology in the glottal spectral signature of female voice
Pedro Gómez-Vilda, Roberto Fernández-Baíllo, R. Martínez, C. Muñoz, L. M. Mazaira, A. Álvarez, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente
A physiological basis for two group, healthy male voicing identified using spectral approximate entropy
C. J. Moore, Kathiresan Manickam, N. Slevin
Fuzzy wavelet packet based feature extraction method applied to pathological voice signals classification
B. S. Aghazadeh, H. Khadivi Heris, H. Ahmadi, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami
Multiple feature sets and genetic search based discrimination of pathological voices
M. Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, M. Kaseta, M. Kovalenko, R. Pribuisiene, V. Uloza, Antanas Verikas
Three-dimensional finite element modelling of vocal folds vibration in the human larynx
T. Vampola, Jaromír Horáček, I. Klepáček
Relating vocal fold amplitude of vibration to skin acceleration level on the anterior neck
P. S. Popolo, Ingo R. Titze
Improved fold closure in mass-spring low-dimensional glottal models
Carlo Drioli, Federico Avanzini
Numerical simulation of airflow through the oscillating glottis
P. Punčochářová, Jaromír Horáček, K. Kozel, J. Fürst
Recording speech during magnetic resonance imaging
T. Lukkari, J. Malinen, P. Palo
Articulatory oral space measures using the modified a-space
Luis M. T. Jesus, André Araújo, Isabel M. Costa
Mucosal waves on the vocal folds: conceptualization based on videokymography
J. G. Švec, M. Frič, F. Šram, H. K. Schutte
A biomechanical model of the face including muscles for the prediction of deformations during speech production
Julie Groleau, Matthieu Chabanas, Christophe Marécaux, Natacha Payrard, Brice Segaud, Michel Rochette, Pascal Perrier, Yohan Payan
PIV measurements of velocity fields in glottis on a physical vocal fold model
P. Šidlof, Olivier Doaré, Olivier Cadot, Antoine Chaigne, Jaromír Horáček
Advanced voice assessment. a prospective case-control study of jitter%, shimmer% and Qx%, glottis closure cohesion factor (spead by laryngograph ltd.) and long time average spectra
Mette Pedersen, Kasper Munck
Pre-post surgery evaluation based on the profile of glottal source
Roberto Fernández-Baíllo, Pedro Gómez-Vilda, C. Ramirez, B. Scola
Data warehouse for prosody features
Jana Krutišová, Jana Klečková
Detection of pathological diseases using a parametric model of vocal folds and neural networks
P. Chytil, Cheolwoo Jo, K. Drake, D. Graville, M. Wax, M. Pavel
Characterisation of cough sounds to monitor respiratory infections in intensive pig farming
Sara Ferrari, Mitchell Silva, Marcella Guarino, Daniel Berckmans
Use of a biomechanical tongue model to predict the impact of tongue surgery on speech production
Stéphanie Buchaillard, Muriel Brix, Pascal Perrier, Yohan Payan
Using nonverbal communication in dialog system
Jana Klečková, Jana Krutišová
Classification of pathological voice signals using self-similarity based wavelet packet feature extraction and Davies-bouldin criterion
H. Khadivi Heris, B. S. Aghazadeh, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami
SMS-FESTIVAL: a new TTS framework
Giacomo Sommavilla, Piero Cosi, Carlo Drioli, Giulio Paci
Properties of the cepstral peak prominence and its usefulness in vocal quality measurements
C. A. Ferrer, M. S. de Bodt, Y. Maryn, P. Van de Heyning, Maria E. Hernández-Díaz Huici
Correlates of temporal high-resolution formant analysis and glottal excitation in laryngeal dystonia before and after botulinum toxin treatment: a case study
Manfred Pützer, Wolfgang Wokurek
An experiment in vocal tract length estimation
A. Sitchi, Francis Grenez, Jean Schoentgen
Estimation of output-cost–ratio using an aeroelastic model of voice production
Jaromír Horáček, A.-M. Laukkanen, P. Šidlof
A system for parallel measurement of glottis opening and larynx position
Malte Kob, Tobias Frauenrath
A multi-purpose user-friendly voice analysis tool: application to lipofilling treatment
Claudia Manfredi, Giovanna Cantarella
Laryngeal voice quality changes in expression of prominence in continuous speech
M. Airas, Paavo Alku, M. Vainio
Spectral transition features in dysarthric speech
María E. Hernández-Díaz Huici, Werner Verhelst
Real-life emotions detection on human-human medical call center interactions
L. Devillers, L. Vidrascu
Estimation of vocal noise and cycle duration jitter in connected speech
A. Alpan, Francis Grenez, Jean Schoentgen
Predicting severity of mental state using vocal output characteristics
M. Landau, T. Yingthawornsuk, D. Mitchell Wilkes, Richard G. Shiavi, R. M. Salomon
Distinguishing high risk suicidal subjects among depressed subjects using mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients and cross validation technique
H. Kaymaz Keskinpala, T. Yingthawornsuk, D. Mitchell Wilkes, Richard G. Shiavi, R. M. Salomon
Towards a basic protocol for functional assessment of substitution voices: preliminary results of an international trial
M. B. J. Moerman, J. P. Martens, D. Chevalier, G. Friedrich, M. Hess, G. Lawson, A. K. Licht, F. Ogut, E. Reckenzaun, M. Remacle, V. Woisard, Philippe H. Dejonckere
Pitch contour from formants for alaryngeal speech
Martin Hagmüller
Analysis of noise in cry signal using frequency and time-frequency tools
F. M. Martínez, J. J. Azpiroz, A. E. Martínez
Blood oxygenation vs. cry in preterm newborn infants
L. Bocchi, L. Spaccaterra, S. Orlandi, F. Acciai, F. Favilli, E. Atrei, Claudia Manfredi, G. P. Donzelli
Towards a cry classification based on articulated signal processing
Sergio Daniel Cano Ortiz, Israel Suaste, Daniel Escobedo, Taco Ekkel, Carlos Alberto Reyes García
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