A Chinese sentence is represented as a sequence of characters, and words are not separated from each other. In statistical machine translation, the conventional approach is to segment the Chinese character sequence into words during the pre-processing. The training and translation are performed afterwards. However, this method is not optimal for two reasons: 1. The segmentations may be erroneous. 2. For a given character sequence, the best segmentation depends on its context and translation. In order to minimize the translation errors, we take different segmentation alternatives instead of a single segmentation into account and integrate the segmentation process with the search for the best translation. The segmentation decision is only taken during the generation of the translation. With this method we are able to translate Chinese text at the character level. The experiments on the IWSLT 2005 task showed improvements in the translation performance using two translation systems: a phrase-based system and a finite state transducer based system. For the phrase-based system, the improvement of the BLEU score is 1.5% absolute.