The study investigates the interplay between speech motor control and cognitive executive dysfunction by looking at inter- articulatory coordination patterns between consonants and vowels in the production of syllables with high (CCV) and low (CV) complexity. Kinematic speech data (EMA) of 25 people with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD) and 25 healthy controls (HC) were recorded. Further, the influence of levodopa on syllable coordination as well as the relationship to cognitive executive dysfunctions were tested. Results showed preserved articulatory coordination on the level of intra-syllabic coordination. On the intra-gestural level, consonantal and vocalic movements were prolonged in the PD group and positively affected by the intake of levodopa. For the PD group, a correlation between the shift pattern of the second consonant and scores on the executive function test is found, indicating that executive dysfunctions possibly give rise to changes in articulatory timing patterns.