This study explores the prosody of alternative questions (AltQs) in Urdu. We found that AltQs are characterized by a hat pattern that is linked to double contrast sentences, featuring two contrastive foci, similar to German. However, unlike German, the selection of the phrasal accent (PA) is fixed. In Urdu the first PA features an L*(+H)Ha while the second accent has an L*(+H). The hat pattern's full realization depends on the spacing between PAs: greater spacing leads to a prolonged high peak, while reduced spacing results in a compressed hat pattern. Moreover, both the accentual phrase (AP) and the hat pattern carry an L*H contour, with differences in H tone realization: with the hat pattern, the H is significantly higher than that of the AP. We explain the presence of this shared phonological L*H contour by noting that the basic intonational phonology of Urdu is defined by a series of L*H contours, that can then be realized in different ways to show, for example, focus or AltQs.