ISCA Archive Interspeech 2023
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2023

Increasing aspiration of word-medial fortis plosives in Swiss Standard German

Franka Zebe

There is evidence for a sound change in progress in German-speaking Switzerland: Namely, Swiss German speakers of Alemannic increasingly use aspiration in fortis plosives, particularly in word-initial position. This study aims to extend the research by investigating word-medial plosives in Swiss Standard German (SSG). Using the apparent-time paradigm, the main goal is to compare younger to older speakers. Since the increasing aspiration is probably driven by the contact to German Standard German (GSG), this study focuses on speakers from both rural and urban areas, assuming that the latter have more contact to speakers of GSG than the former. Results show that younger urban speakers produce longer VOT values in alveolar plosives than the other speakers, while all younger speakers show this pattern for bilabial plosives. Furthermore, only the younger speakers from the urban group produce shorter closure durations in fortis plosives.