ISCA Archive Interspeech 2022
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2022

Non-Linear Pairwise Language Mappings for Low-Resource Multilingual Acoustic Model Fusion

Muhammad Umar Farooq, Darshan Adiga Haniya Narayana, Thomas Hain

Multilingual speech recognition has drawn significant attention as an effective way to compensate data scarcity for low-resource languages. End-to-end (e2e) modelling is preferred over conventional hybrid systems, mainly because of no lexicon requirement. However, hybrid DNN-HMMs still outperform e2e models in limited data scenarios. Furthermore, the problem of manual lexicon creation has been alleviated by publicly available trained models of grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) and text to IPA transliteration for a lot of languages. In this paper, a novel approach of hybrid DNN-HMM acoustic models fusion is proposed in a multilingual setup for the low-resource languages. Posterior distributions from different monolingual acoustic models, against a target language speech signal, are fused together. A separate regression neural network is trained for each source-target language pair to transform posteriors from source acoustic model to the target language. These networks require very limited data as compared to the ASR training. Posterior fusion yields a relative gain of 14.65% and 6.5% when compared with multilingual and monolingual baselines respectively. Cross-lingual model fusion shows that the comparable results can be achieved without using posteriors from the language dependent ASR.