ISCA Archive Interspeech 2020
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2020

Online Directional Speech Enhancement Using Geometrically Constrained Independent Vector Analysis

Li Li, Kazuhito Koishida, Shoji Makino

This paper proposes an online dual-microphone system for directional speech enhancement, which employs geometrically constrained independent vector analysis (IVA) based on the auxiliary function approach and vectorwise coordinate descent. Its offline version has recently been proposed and shown to outperform the conventional auxiliary function approach-based IVA (AuxIVA) thanks to the properly designed spatial constraints. We extend the offline algorithm to online by incorporating the autoregressive approximation of an auxiliary variable. Experimental evaluations revealed that the proposed online algorithm could work in real-time and achieved superior speech enhancement performance to online AuxIVA in both situations where a fixed target was interfered by a spatially stationary or dynamic interference.