ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016

Modulation Spectral Features for Predicting Vocal Emotion Recognition by Simulated Cochlear Implants

Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, Masashi Unoki

It has been reported that vocal emotion recognition is challenging for cochlear implant (CI) listeners due to the limited spectral cues with CI devices. As the mechanism of CI, modulation information is provided as a primarily cue. Previous studies have revealed that the modulation components of speech are important for speech intelligibility. However, it is unclear whether modulation information can contribute to vocal emotion recognition. We investigated the relationship between human perception of vocal emotion and the modulation spectral features of emotional speech. For human perception, we carried out a vocal-emotion recognition experiment using noise-vocoder simulations with normal-hearing listeners to predict the response from CI listeners. For modulation spectral features, we used auditory-inspired processing (auditory filterbank, temporal envelope extraction, modulation filterbank) to obtain the modulation spectrogram of emotional speech signals. Ten types of modulation spectral feature were then extracted from the modulation spectrogram. As a result, modulation spectral centroid, modulation spectral kurtosis, and modulation spectral tilt exhibited similar trends with the results of human perception. This suggests that these modulation spectral features may be important cues for voice emotion recognition with noise-vocoded speech.