ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016

Combining Semantic Word Classes and Sub-Word Unit Speech Recognition for Robust OOV Detection

Axel Horndasch, Anton Batliner, Caroline Kaufhold, Elmar Nöth

Out-of-vocabulary words (OOVs) are often the main reason for the failure of tasks like automated voice searches or human-machine dialogs. This is especially true if rare but task-relevant content words, e.g. person or location names, are not in the recognizer’s vocabulary. Since applications like spoken dialog systems use the result of the speech recognizer to extract a semantic representation of a user utterance, the detection of OOVs as well as their (semantic) word class can support to manage a dialog successfully. In this paper we suggest to combine two well-known approaches in the context of OOV detection: semantic word classes and OOV models based on sub-word units. With our system, which builds upon the widely used Kaldi speech recognition toolkit, we show on two different data sets that — compared to other methods — such a combination improves OOV detection performance for open word classes at a given false alarm rate. Another result of our approach is a reduction of the word error rate (WER).