ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016

Intelligibility of Disordered Speech: Global and Detailed Scores

Mario Ganzeboom, Marjoke Bakker, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik

Measuring the intelligibility of disordered speech is a common practice in both clinical and research contexts. Over the years various methods have been proposed and studied, including methods relying on subjective ratings by human judges, and objective methods based on speech technology. Many of these methods measure speech intelligibility at the speaker or utterance level. While this may be satisfactory for some purposes, more detailed evaluations might be required in other cases such as diagnosis and measuring or comparing the outcomes of different types of therapy (by humans or computer programs). In the current paper we investigate intelligibility ratings at three different levels of granularity: utterance, word, and subword level. In a web experiment 50 speech fragments produced by seven dysarthric speakers were rated by 36 listeners in three ways: a score per utterance on a Visual Analogue and a Likert scale, and an orthographic transcription. The latter was used to obtain word and subword (grapheme and phoneme) level ratings using automatic alignment and conversion methods. The implemented phoneme scoring method proved feasible, reliable, and provided a more sensitive and informative measure of intelligibility. Possible implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.