ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016

Automatic Recognition of Social Roles Using Long Term Role Transitions in Small Group Interactions

Gaurav Fotedar, Aditya Gaonkar P., Saikat Chatterjee, Prasanta Kumar Ghosh

Recognition of social roles in small group interactions is challenging because of the presence of disfluency in speech, frequent overlaps between speakers, short speaker turns and the need for reliable data annotation. In this work, we consider the problem of recognizing four roles, namely Gatekeeper, Protagonist, Neutral, and Supporter in small group interactions in AMI corpus. In general, Gatekeeper and Protagonist roles occur less frequently compared to Neutral, and Supporter. In this work, we exploit role transitions across segments in a meeting by incorporating role transition probabilities and formulating the role recognition as a decoding problem over the sequence of segments in an interaction. Experiments are performed in a five fold cross validation setup using acoustic, lexical and structural features with precision, recall and F-score as the performance metrics. The results reveal that precision averaged across all folds and different feature combinations improves in the case of Gatekeeper and Protagonist by 13.64% and 12.75% when the role transition information is used which in turn improves the F-score for Gatekeeper by 6.58% while the F-scores for the rest of the roles do not change significantly.