ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2016

Combining Data-Oriented and Process-Oriented Approaches to Modeling Reaction Time Data

Louis ten Bosch, Lou Boves, M. Ernestus

This paper combines two different approaches to modeling reaction time data from lexical decision experiments, viz. a data-oriented statistical analysis by means of a linear mixed effects model, and a process-oriented computational model of human speech comprehension.

The linear mixed effect model is implemented by lmer in R. As computational model we apply DIANA, an end-to-end computational model which aims at modeling the cognitive processes underlying speech comprehension. DIANA takes as input the speech signal, and provides as output the orthographic transcription of the stimulus, a word/non-word judgment and the associated reaction time. Previous studies have shown that DIANA shows good results for large-scale lexical decision experiments in Dutch and North-American English.

We investigate whether predictors that appear significant in an lmer analysis and processes implemented in DIANA can be related and inform both approaches. Predictors such as ‘previous reaction time’ can be related to a process description; other predictors, such as ‘lexical neighborhood’ are hard-coded in lmer and emergent in DIANA. The analysis focuses on the interaction between subject variables and task variables in lmer, and the ways in which these interactions can be implemented in DIANA.