PATSY is an abbreviation for its German name “Piloten/ATC Trainingssystem für den Sprechfunk” which translates to pilot/ air traffic control (ATC) training system for radio communication. The phraseology training system is intended to be a stand-alone, platform-independent, multi-user e-Learning framework for learning and practicing the ATC radio communication wordings and at the same time improving intelligibility of the speaker by pronunciation scoring. A serious gaming approach is aimed at, which allows the user to practice his or her communication skills in almost real-life scenarios. At the Show and Tell session at Interspeech 2015, we would like to present a subsystem of PATSY in which we only concentrate on pronunciation scoring. The speaker is prompted to record a sequence of words of the NATO phonetic alphabet and he is given back a visually enhanced feedback regarding his pronunciation score. Further aspects of PATSY are the verification of correct syntax and the assessment of the speaker's “comfort level” which states how familiar the speaker is with the topic in question.