ISCA Archive Interspeech 2014
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2014

Extended RSR2015 for text-dependent speaker verification over VHF channel

Anthony Larcher, Kong Aik Lee, Pablo L. Sordo Martínez, Trung Hieu Nguyen, Bin Ma, Haizhou Li

Text-dependent speaker verification over degraded radio channel is a challenging task. To better understand the research problem, the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) of Singapore has collected a corpus of voice recordings transmitted over marine VHF. Built as an extension of the RSR2015 database, the VHF- RSR2015 consists of recordings from 300 speakers of Part I of the RSR2015 database transmitted over VHF channel. Extending the RSR2015 database, we would like to facilitate the study of the VHF channel effect, therefore, keeping the acoustic environment the same as that of RSR2015. Performance benchmark of a text-dependent speaker verification engine is given as reference on the original RSR2015 database recorded at a sampling frequency of 16kHz, on a sub-sampled version of the same dataset at 8kHz and on the data after transmission through the VHF channel.