ISCA Archive ICSLP 1992
ISCA Archive ICSLP 1992

A modification of the viterbi algorithm for stochastic phonographic transduction

Robert W. P. Luk, Robert I. Damper

This paper describes a modification and a fast implementation of the Viterbi algorithm as used in stochastic phonographic transduction. The Viterbi algorithm has a linear time-complexity with respect to the length of the letter string and cubic complexity if we consider the number of letter-phoneme correspondences to be a variable of the problem size. Since the number of correspondences can be large, processing time is long. If the correspondences are pre-compiled to a finite state automaton to simplify the matching process, then the time complexity is reduced by a large multiplicative factor which is determined empirically. The space complexity is increased linearly with respect to the number of states in the automaton.