ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997
ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997

The bavarian archive for speech signals: resources for the speech community

Florian Schiel, Christoph Draxler, Hans G. Tillmann

This paper gives an overview of the activities at the Bavarian Archive of Speech Signals (BAS) that was founded as a non-profit organization in 1995. The main purpose of BAS is the development of aComplete Phonetic Theory (CPT) of German based on the empirical exploitation of very large databases of spoken German. However, on our way to that goal BAS will act as a focal point for all computer readable speech resources in the German language and distribute these resources to the speech community. These resources are intended to cover the speech part of the German language, i.e. speech data, labeling and segmentations, knowledge about pronunciation. In the following we give a concise overview of what resources are presently available at BAS, how they were produced, how they can be obtained from BAS, how we use these resources in various scientific activities and a brief summary of ongoing projects.