ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997
ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997

Integrating domain specific focusing in dialogue models

Nils Dahlbäck, Arne Jönsson

Natural language interaction requires dialogue models that allow for efficient and robust human computer interaction. Most systems today use some kind of speech-act based dialogue model. While successful in a number of applications, these models have known limitations, both from linguistic and computational points of view, which has led a number of workers to suggest using the dialogue participants goals/intentions to model the dialogue. In this paper we suggest that amending speech act based models with sophisticated domain knowledge makes it possible to extend their applicability. Two kinds of domain knowledge are identified, one is the Domain Model; a structure of the discourse 'world', and the other is the Conceptual Model which contains domain specific general information about the concepts and their relationships in the domain. These extensions have been utilized in the LINLIN dialogue manager and the paper presents results from customizing the dialogue manager to two different applications.