ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997
ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997

Text-to-intonation in spontaneous Swedish

Gosta Bruce, Marcus Filipsson, Johan Frid, Björn Granström, Kjell Gustafson, Merle Horne, David House

This paper deals with a number of aspects of intonation in spontaneous dialogues in a language technology perspective. The key topics to be addressed are: I) the analysis of global intonation and its interaction with textual structure, II) the implementation of global and textual aspects of discourse intonation in an analysis-by-synthesis environment. We present models for the analyses of intonation and textual content in spontaneous conversations in Swedish. The models are implemented in a computational environment, making it possible to generate F0 contours, which can be imposed on a speech waveform using the PSOLA technique. The result is a text-to-intonation system, where textual and lexical analyses automatically generate hypothetical intonation contours, which can through resynthesis, and eventually be used in a text-to-speech system.