ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997
ISCA Archive Eurospeech 1997

Object-oriented modeling of articulatory data for speech research information systems

Kamel Bensaber, Paul Munteanu, Jean-Francois Serignat, Pascal Perrier

In this paper we present a general framework, based on the Object-oriented paradigm, for modeling and designing a model of speech data representation, and we propose a particular use of it for cineradiographic data, including sagittal views of the vocal tract, frontal pictures of the lips, and acoustic signals. We introduced semantics to represent relationships between speech objects. Thus we adopted the concepts of primary data, that means either the raw data (recorded signals and images) or their related descriptive data (information on speakers, corpora and recording conditions), and of derived data, such as vocal-tract's contours, sagittal distances, area functions, or any other possible measurements taken from X-rays pictures. Indeed, the notion of derived data model has been useful for users, to manage raw data and results of data analysis in the same way.