The optimal use of the impaired auditory system in the essential task of lipreading depends upon the transmission of invisible speech factors such as voice fundamental frequency, voicing, and manner of articulation. The same factors are also important for voice control. The corresponding speech features are imperfectly perceived by the deaf, but their acoustic correlates can now be relatively efficiently extracted in real-time (eg, IS Howard and JR Walliker: this meeting) and presented as an ensemble of simplified speech pattern elements matched to the patient's auditory abilities. Our recent receptive results show that combined pattern elements of voice fundamental frequency and voiceless friction can give additional benefit over voice fundamental frequency alone, and can also provide more benefit than whole speech presentation in an hitherto neglected sector of the deaf population. Matched speech pattern element presentation can also greatly assist speech production. The paper also examines the use of overall amplitude information in addition to voice fundamental frequency and voiceless friction.