The Blizzard Challenge 2010 was the sixth annual Blizzard Challenge. As in 2008 and 2009, UK English and Mandarin Chinese were the chosen languages for the 2010 Challenge, which was again organised by the University of Edinburgh with assistance from the other members of the Blizzard Challenge committee – Prof. Keiichi Tokuda and Prof. Alan Black. Two English corpora were used: the 'rjs’ corpus provided by Phonetic Arts, and the 'roger’ corpus from the University of Edinburgh. The Mandarin corpus was provided by the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences. As usual, all participants (including those with limited resources or limited experience in these languages) had the option of using labels that were provided for both corpora and for the test sentences. The tasks were organised in the form of 'hubs’ and 'spokes’ where each hub task involved building a general-purpose voice and each spoke task involved building a voice for a specific situation or under specified conditions.
A set of test sentences was released to participants, who were given a limited time in which to synthesise them and submit the synthetic speech. An online listening test was conducted to evaluate naturalness, intelligibility and degree of similarity to the original speaker.