ISCA Archive AVSP 2015
ISCA Archive AVSP 2015

The multi-modal nature of trustworthiness perception

Elena Tsankova, Eva Krumhuber, Andrew J. Aubrey, Arvid Kappas, Guido Möllering, David Marshall, Paul L. Rosin

Most past work on trustworthiness perception has focused on the structural features of the human face. The present study investigates the interplay of dynamic information from two channels – the face and the voice. By systematically varying the level of trustworthiness in each channel, 49 participants were presented with either facial or vocal information, or the combination of both, and made explicit judgements with respect to trustworthiness, dominance, and emotional valence. For most measures results revealed a primacy effect of facial over vocal cues. In examining the exact nature of the trustworthiness - emotion link we further found that emotional valence functioned as a significant mediator in impressions of trustworthiness. The findings extend previous correlational evidence and provide important knowledge of how trustworthiness in its dynamic and multi-modal form is decoded by the human perceiver.

Index Terms: trustworthiness, face, voice, emotion, dynamic, multi-modal